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45th Anniversary Celebration

2021.06 Celebration Logo.png

A Celebration

Join us in celebrating 45 years in our mission to shelter and empower survivors of intimate partner domestic violence.

The evening will include a silent auction, live music, a gourmet meal, and dancing. While eating, guests
will learn about our fascinating history and join S.A.F.E. House in honoring members of our community
for their dedication to our cause.


Saturday  •  October 22nd  •  5:30 pm

Albuquerque Country Club


Presenting Sponsor

1 available


  • Two tables (20 seats) at this exclusive event

  • A full-page ad in the program

  • A link on

  • Inclusion in all marketing materials for the event

  • Prime logo placement on presentations during the event

  • Logo placement on table signs and auction area

  • Social media mentions leading up to and after the event

  • An email blast to all S.A.F.E. House supporters announcing the sponsorship to include more information about the sponsoring organization

  • A tour of S.A.F.E. House shelter for up to 10 people (before or after the event)


5 available


  • One table (10 seats) at this exclusive event

  • A half-page ad in the program

  • A link on

  • Inclusion in marketing materials for the event

  • Logo placement on presentations during the event

  • Social media mentions leading up to and after the event

  • A tour of S.A.F.E. House shelter for up to 5 people (before or after the event)


6 available


  • Two tickets to this exclusive event

  • A logo in the program

  • A link on

  • Social media mentions leading up to and after the event

Centerpiece Sponsor

Create and donate 3 to 6 floral arrangements. Your benefits:


505-247-4219  •  Kristen Kinzer  •

Contact Us

505.247.4219 (Local) 800.773.3645 (Toll-Free)

P.O. Box 25363

Albuquerque, NM 87125

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please call our 24/7 hotline.
505.247.4219 (Local) 800.773.3645 (Toll-Free)
Our staff are standing by to assist you in any way possible.

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S.A.F.E. House, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 registered non-profit

EIN: 85-0247473

© 1976 - 2021 by S.A.F.E. House, Inc. 

Disclaimer: To protect confidentiality and safety, S.A.F.E. House does not use real photos or names

of our residents or their children for promotional purposes. 

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